Wednesday, February 18, 2015

More and More snow days!!!!

Well, hopefully you all are staying safe, warm and sane!!! My boys and I are going a little stir crazy!!! Jessamine County is out the rest of the week. Today is snow day #5. Keep working on your snow packets for the rest of the week. IF you have any questions, concerns or want to talk with an adult (Ha. Ha.) please feel free to leave a post here on the blog or you can email me at Remember to turn all of your completed snow day sheets when we get back to school. Thanks so much and I seriously cannot wait to see your kids soon!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Have you seen the snow??!!!

Hello all!!! I hope everyone is staying warm and safe! Can you all believe this snow??!!! Tomorrow, Tuesday February 17, 2015 is another snow day. It is NTI snow day #4. Preschoolers did not have to complete the snow day packet for today, Monday February 16 because they do not attend school on Mondays. However, if you did them that's great! Turn them in when we get back to school!!!