Friday, March 6, 2015

Our last NTI day

Hello all!!! The district has now reached 10 NTI snow days, so any other snow days we get will need to be added to the end of the school year. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this is the end of the snow!! We are in the process of rescheduling our field trip and will let you know as soon as possible when that will be. When we return to school, don't forget to return all of your snow day packet sheets completed, signed and dated. Thanks so much for keeping learning going as we have these snow days. We would also love to hear your feedback about the activities and/or packets. What did you think? what would you change?

P.S. don't forget to turn your clocks forward Saturday night. Daylight savings starts Sunday, March 8, 2015!!! That means Spring really is coming!!!

Have a great day!!! See you all next week!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Email address

My email is

NTI Day - snow day!!!

Good morning all!!! I hope everyone is staying warm and inside on this very snowy day! Well its another snow day! The district is on snow day #9. For preschool we are two days behind because two of the snow days were on a Monday. Please make sure to complete your snow day activities from your snow day packet and turn them in as soon as we get back to school. If you have any questions please email me at or leave a comment on this blog.

Also, if we are out of school tomorrow - We will reschedule our field trip! As soon as it is rescheduled we will let you know!

Have fun learning and stay warm!!! I hope to see everyone soon!!!